Driven to Despair

It’s been one of those odd weeks where I’ve been very busy but now as I sit down to write about it, there’s not a lot I can tell you! That isn’t, as you may have spotted, an auspicious start to any blog post.

Having been stung by over sharing historically I tend to share less of our weekly goings on here these days, not that anyone would be enthralled by news of my ten miserable commutes to and from Manchester anyway, but you never know who reads this stuff and so the content tends to be a little different these days.

The one outstanding event of the week came on Friday afternoon, and I use the word outstanding to mean that it stood out from the rest of the week, not necessarily that is was good. Having been a blatant criminal recently and driven at 47mph in a 40mph zone, which was I should say a three lane dual carriageway, recently changed from a  50mph zone, I found myself with a lovely letter from Greater Manchester Police.

I had three choices –

  1. Three points and fine
  2. A speed awareness course and a fine
  3. Go to court and fight my case based upon the mitigating circumstances above and the fact that I was driving to work and I couldn’t see the signs through my tears.

Sensibly and predictably I took option 2 and Friday was the day. Very quickly, I was debating with myself if three points really would have been such a bad thing. Firstly the weather was tremendous and having sacrificed half a day’s holiday there were better uses of it I’m sure. Secondly, the clock in the room was faulty. How else can it be explained that the scheduled four hours took nine and a half days to pass?

Thirdly, the entire content of the course could have been summarised into about ten minutes of “driving fast isn’t a good thing so don’t” and then had us read the relevant bits of The Highway Code again. I am not of course stupid enough to think that me going over the speed limit is a good thing and generally I am a safe and conservative driver. Again, it was a THREE LANE dual carriageway (as denoted by the central barrier…they told me that on the course, but I knew anyway!) that had been 50mph since time began, but the tortuous pace at which the course was delivered was only made worse by the other participants reciting back key phrases to the instructors like some motor based group of Moonies.

Sitting through four hours of –

“Do we think that an extra five miles an hour can make a difference if we hit someone?”

Then to endure a few more minutes of folks agreeing that yes it can…”cos you’re like, going faster, and it will hurt more like and that’s bad” soon became old…..after about twelve minutes.

“Now, as a group, discuss the things that make you drive over the limit”.

Dear God, I’d rather burn my car right here in the car park and walk to work. It would be quicker anyway.

The last ten minutes of the course were tortuous. I gazed out of the window at those lucky enough to be driving past (over the speed limit no doubt) whilst the clock I was watching went backwards. I suppose the deterrent is that I NEVER want to have to sit through one of those courses again…ever…in my lifetime or the next.

I’m sure I benefited in some way and for the next few days/weeks/months I’ll no doubt think more whilst I’m driving. It’s hard to concentrate though when you have a tweet to finish and your sandwich is falling apart in your lap.

So kids, the message is, don’t drive faster than you should. It’s a bad thing. Mainly as you lose four hours of your life and have to sit next to Cockney Ian who doesn’t have an inside voice or any sense of personal space who wants to tell the whole group about how he got caught speeding despite the fact that his ten minute story is expanding the length of the course and shortening his potential life span as I contemplate implanting my free pen into his neck.

Oh and if a road has street lights on it, it’s a 30mph speed limit. So you now know everything I learned!

Till the next time…..


I am now fully aware of speed, and how it passes at different rates.

Let us take a moment of reflection.  Let us bow our heads and send all of our  thoughts and best wishes to someone who needs all of us to support him at this awful time.

Gordon’s back off holiday!

It will be a familiar feeling to most of you reading this, but nothing can prepare you for the full unadulterated horror of that immediate and jarring return to reality.

Judging by the tweetage live from WDW, the times had by the McBains were tremendous and that of course multiplies the horror once back in the UK.  I think I say this after every trip, but the UK appears to be in black and white when compared to the multi coloured razzle dazzle of the US.  I know of course that spending a holiday in and around WDW, the vacation capital of the word,  is not a fair comparison to flying back into Manchester, which of course isn’t, but still this is real pain.

It is the eternal problem.  You book a holiday, and the days before departure seem endless.  You wish them away, desperate to set off into the magic.  Alas, not only do the actual days of the holiday go at normal speed, they whizz past in record time, seemingly like some end of life experience, and before you know it, you are sat on your couch staring at cases that need unpacking and a fridge that needs filling.

I am therefore trying very hard to relish these last few weeks of our countdown, whilst at the same time, counting every second.

To luxuriate in every element of the planning is the key.  I spend money all the time, certainly at the moment, with us discovering that our new house and its contents has been held together by sellotape and string, the outflowing of cash if like a fiscal diarrhea.  I can tell you that I do not enjoy the spending of one penny.  However, when it comes to holiday related stuff, I can actually take pleasure in laying out cash.

This week’s activity has been the booking of our round of golf.  It took a great deal of research, again, enjoyable, and after some consultation with my golf partners (Dad and Steve), we have a tee time of 9.10am on the 24th of August.  Putting a small dent in a credit card was strangely pleasurable.

legends golf club
Aptly named

That has been it holiday planning wise this week as we are pretty much done.  We are approaching the ticket time, where I have to get those booked, and finally wrestle every last cent out of the dollar purchase.  I shall savour both.

Back in the real world, Rebecca completed her second week of work experience at a local nursery (child, not plant), and promptly caught an awful cold which sees her currently on the couch watching crap telly.  Emily’s provisional driving licence turned up (the paper bit anyway), and more stuff broke in the house.

The weekend has been a little testing to be honest.  Saturday saw me punished for my speeding crimes reported some weeks ago.  I had to drive to Mold.  No, that wasn’t the punishment!!  I attended my speed awareness course.  I promise I shall never speed again if it means sitting through another four hours of that.

speed awareness
Not my actual course

Due to the aforementioned breakage of stuff, I had ordered our new fridge yesterday to replace the two integrated ones that were, well pretty much broken.  I checked the website last night, and it said that delivery would occur between……6.29am and 10.29am.  Yep, you read that right.  So I was up at 6am.  To make way for the new fridge, I had to demolish the integrated unit things housing the fridges, and then get them outside ready to be recycled.

With help from my Dad, this next door neighbour thing has its benefits, we eventually wrestled the bloody thing into bits and out of the house.  You will of course have guessed that the new fridge turned up at 10.27am.

It was installed quickly, and that just left me and my Dad to drive around and try to find matching tiles to the ones that should have been underneath the old fridge units but weren’t.  No problem, as they can only have been twenty years old!

Two stops later, and we had a sort of match, or close enough for tiles that will be 90% hidden under the fridge.  We get them on Wednesday.

A big shop later, and I was back home and ready for bed.  It was 3pm.

The loft (almost Emily’s bedroom) is approaching completion, from the builder’s point of view anyway.  It is more or less fully plastered now and we are hoping that a couple of days more work from them next week should see us decorating….for about six weeks.  The one good thing about gutting that room and starting from scratch is that we’ll know that nothing can break in there.  The room will be unique in that respect.

I did a little more writing this week too, with a second article on The WDW Dads site in a matter of days.  I think I’m ill.  Please have a read if you see fit.

Also please, remember to send Gordon and his family all your support at this very difficult time.  I’m sure he will also enjoy you all constantly asking when Day 1 on the trip report will be done.  It won’t be long until that is us, and probably most of the readers of this bloggage.

With that in mind, I will just drop in that we go in 35 days!!  Ave it!!

Till the next time…..