The Doing Diddly In Delray Tour 2024 – Day Two Wednesday 29th May

Sure, I’d been awake for 22 hours, but that didn’t prevent my body from waking me up at 3am. Rather than wet the bed I got up for a wee and then thankfully returned to sleep until around 5.30am.

Louise slept on a bit so I spent that time dealing with some work stuff (hey, you don’t get to be paid millions a year and then have a holiday without doing work stuff…and the same applies when you get paid buttons too it seems).

When Louise was up we finished the unpacking, I made a coffee and whilst Louise got ready I wrote up my notes for the long travel day yesterday, narrowly avoiding PTSD when it came to the drive from the airport.

We were still ready and out of the door by 8am and we strolled down towards the beach and decided upon Luna Rosa for some breakfast.

We both ordered the same thing: Iced coffee and eggs Benedict on avocado and toast. I have never been so hipster in my life!

This was the view from our table.

I think it’s a sign of having had a good holiday when looking back at photos like these causes you physical pain and a deep longing to be back there.

Yes, it was delicious.

After leaving $70 including tip we crossed the road to the beach.

It was still pretty empty at this time and we had our pick of beds.

We oiled up and lay down. We both ventured into the sea for a bit. It was not cold and very calm and clear, and you had to go a long way out to get out of your depth. It was lovely.

Knowing a chap would be coming by soon to collect payment for the bed and brolly hire I feared that I may need some cash, so I had a wander to find an ATM machine. This turned into quite the hike as the nearest one was a fifteen-minute “stroll” up Atlantic Avenue. By Jingo it was hot.

As gruelling as that walk was, it was good to have a look around and get our bearings for where eateries and bars were located.

On the walk back to the beach I called into our room for a tactical wee and to pick up some water. We got a very sad message from an upset Emily that one of her rats, Jim had sadly passed. He was old in rat terms so it wasn’t unexpected but they mean the world to Emily and losing a pet is always tough.

Back at the beach, the bed man came and I need not have worried about payment. He had a card machine linked to his phone and we negotiated a discounted rate for buying multiple days.

We read, dozed and rested for a while longer before needing some lunch around 12.30. Today was to be a big food day it seems!

We wandered up Atlantic Avenue and chose Boheme Bistro based almost entirely on its proximity to the beach.

Louise had a Chicken Caesar Salad.

I had a Turkey Baguette.

Diet cokes and a wine and it cost us $80 including tip.

Louise nipped back to the room which was just around the corner for a loo stop and I went back to the beach.

On the beds next to us (at the beach, not in our room!) were two young college girls. Their conversation was loud enough to hear in Orlando and it was a terrifying “Mean Girls” experience that made me very glad I was old.

We rested some more and then Facetimed my Mum for a bit.

We left the beach at 5.30 after a hard day. A five-minute walk saw us back at the hotel, where we jumped into the jeep and found the local Publix to do some stocking up. Cereal, milk, some sandwiches for lunch tomorrow, (this eating out three times a day was not sustainable) natural yoghurt for Louise who had of course burned herself in the sun today and some water. A terrifying $90.

Back “home”, we showered and I booked us a table at The Office for 9.30. We ordered a Lyft at 9pm and we were picked up moments later.

I had a Giant Pretzel, but I’m not one to brag.

Louise had meatballs adorned with some green crap.

Our entrees were….

A Short Rib Sandwich for me. It was awesome. That white dip is melted marshmallow!

Louise had The Office Burger

With wines for Louise and an Espresso Martini for me, all this came to $145 including a healthy tip.

We were knackered and full so a Lyft was ordered to take us to bed. I jumped in the back seat with Louise a step or two behind me on the other side of the car and he started to set off with her only half in. There was much shouting of “woah, stop, hang on etc” and thankfully no harm was done. I think he apologised for every second of the short journey home.

We were home and in bed by 10.45, deep in a food coma.

Till the next time…..

One thought on “The Doing Diddly In Delray Tour 2024 – Day Two Wednesday 29th May

  1. A perfect day (minus the poor rat, Louise’s sunburn and an over keen driver)

    Making me want to go back – apart from the food prices! What is going on there.

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